Monday 7 September 2015

Easypeasy Biscuits!

Baking snacks that both boys can enjoy making and eating takes some thought due to the them being on different elimination diets. Billy is allergic to dairy,  soya, wheat, egg, oats, coconut and pea protein and is intolerant to fructose (which rules out all fruit and most vegetables),  and Jo is allergic to dairy, soya wheat and fish. When the boys are helping me bake it's obviously much easier and more enjoyable if the method is simple. As Billy is really sensitive to noise we mix everything by hand too.   I've come up with a really simple biscuit recipe which they can both help make and eat.

Safe flour (we buy from the Dove's farm range which are available from most supermarkets)
Carbonated water
Table sugar

1. Put a chosen amount of flour into mixing bowl. (I usually put enough in so that the bowl is one third full).
2. Pour carbonated water into the flour mixing as you go. When the mixture becomes a sticky dough-like consistancy that is easy to form you have added enough water.
3. Add as little sugar as you can get away with!
4. Form into shapes with your hands or flatten with your fist and use shape cutters.
5. Bake in a pre-heated over at 180 degrees for around 10 minutes (until they start to go abit golden).  The biscuits will still be soft when you get them out but once left to cool they will harden.

If your children are able to eat fruit you could flavour with puréed fruit instead of sugar but add this before the carbonated water as it will change the consistency of the mix.  You could also use flavoured carbonated water.

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